Pink Salmon freezer box.10 lbs of Pink Salmon fillets, caught by hook and line aboard FV Lisa Jess by Joel Collier in Haida Gwaii area.

Pink Salmon freezer box.10 lbs of Pink Salmon fillets, caught by hook and line aboard FV Lisa Jess by Joel Collier in Haida Gwaii area.


Frozen Vac Packed sides, ave 0.75 lbs per side.

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Order and pay by 9 pm on Thursday. Choose your pick-up point and collect between 12-2 pm on Saturday. No commitment, just good, clean fair seafood.

Pickup locations:

  • Kelowna: Codfathers, 2355 Gordon Drive, V1W 3X7

  • Oliver: Oliver Eats, 6060 Station St, V0H 1T0

  • Summerland: 13219 Victoria Rd. North. V0H 1Z0

  • Naramata: Howling Bluff Estate Winery, 1086 Three Mile Rd, V2A 8T7